WordPress – Is it Right for You?

If you’re shopping around for a website you’ll hear many companies try to sell you a WordPress site. WordPress is one of many Content Management Systems (CMS) available and it’s currently the most popular. WordPress or any CMS is great, but not a good solution for every site. In the video below, I talk about who a CMS may be good for. I provide some questions you should think about before deciding on purchasing a CMS such as:

- How often do you update your site?
- Do you want to spend now or spend later?
- Do you have the time or staff to maintain the site?
- Are you tech savy enough?

Take a look and let me know if you have any questions or comments about the subject. The last thing you want to do is pay upfront for a CMS and discover shortly afterwards that it was not right for your company and end up paying for maintenance as well.

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