Marketing Touchpoints in the Industrial Buyer’s Journey

Aviate Creative’s Paul Kiesche was recently the guest host for #USAMfgHour’s Twitter chat. This interactive digital conversation with manufacturers was around the topic of Marketing Touchpoints in the Industrial Buyer’s Journey.

The focus of the discussion was on the multiple stages of a buyer’s journey.  The chat was structured around several questions posed to the audience specific to those various phases.

Individuals shared their answers, perspectives, and real-life strategies of how their own businesses are helping potential buyers become aware and educate themselves about a company’s solutions; all with the objective of them moving forward with a purchasing decision.

The lively online chat produced wonderful feedback for the individuals involved and increased insight into how manufacturers are utilizing purposeful marketing initiatives to assist in converting prospects into customers as well as maintaining their existing customer base.   

The recap of this Twitter Hour provides an in-depth summary of the main talking points as well as takeaways from the participants.

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